About Us
店主Becky曾從事傳媒8年,有個經營花店的媽媽,從小陶醉於花藝創作,為實現夢想於2013年8月成立網上花店Hahahaflorist,以Flower makes you smile為宗旨,希望收花者得到快樂。深信一花一故事,為客人度身訂造花品。
經營近八年,現在facebook粉絲已累積超過四萬人,創作過二千個花球。2016年於金鐘開設第一間實體店,及後在銅鑼灣利園三期開設分店,現在於中環威靈頓街開設分店,品牌為人熟悉。作品曾獲不少傳媒報導,包括電視節目《姊妹淘》的個人專訪,創業經歷被香港電台拍成故事,於節目《香港故事》中播放。早前更獲得國際品牌如Chanel、Van Cleef & Arpels、St Laurent、Fendi、Tory Burch、Adidas、Northface等邀請創作花品。亦曾參與周柏豪的唱片製作。
Becky’s mother used to run a florist; she has been engrossed in floral creation since she was a child. Having worked in the media for 8 years, she turned her dream into reality by setting up her online florist – Hahahaflorist in August 2013. The motto of her florist is “flower makes you smile”, as she wishes to bring joy to everyone that receives flowers from her florist.
Becky believes there is a story behind every order, she likes to tailor-made creations for her customers. Within a year of setting up her Facebook fan page, she has already gained over 40,000 fans, she has created over 2,000 wedding bouquets. In 2016, the first concept store to show up in Admiralty and after a year the second store was opened at Lee Garden Three in Causeway Bay. The shop at Wellington Street, Central is another milestone for Hahahaflorist. Hahahaflorist is turned into a well-known brand in the market.
Becky’s creations have attracted vast coverage in media, including a personal interview with TVB’s “All Things Girl”; her adventure in starting her business was also aired in RTHK’s “Hong Kong Stories”. She has attracted international brands like Chanel, Van Cleef & Arpels, St Laurent, Fendi, Tory Burch, Adidas and Northface to request for her floral creations. She also contributed her floral creation in the making of pop singer Pakho Chau’s album.
In 2021 Sep, Becky hosts a flower school for enthusiasts and it provides various certified courses for the people who love to go in deep in floriculture learning. At the same time, she is striving to open up the floral exhibition and all about lifestyle products, wish to turn into a diversify lifestyle flower shop.


Flat A 1/F Gough Plaza
33 Gough St, Central, Hong Kong
Opening Hour: 10:00-20:00 Daily (by appointment only)
Tel: 2157 3223 / 96643663 (whatsapp)