
Heart-Shaped Red Rose Bouquet (100 Roses)


This delicate and compact heart-shaped bouquet is composed of 100 red roses, adding a warm and romantic ambiance to your special moments.

This unique heart-shaped rose bouquet design will make an excellent photo backdrop for social media sharing, allowing you to capture and cherish the beautiful moments with your loved ones. Order now and express your heartfelt sentiments through this thoughtful gift!

  • Made with fresh and high-quality roses
  • Heart-shaped design infused with heartfelt sentiment
  • Attractive and eye catching size as a display and a photo op
  • Perfect for various occasions such as Valentine’s Day, birthday, anniversaries, etc.
  • Flower : 100 stems of imported red roses


Lantau Island, Ma Wan, remote area and Outlying Islands are not included in the delivery service of this product on Feb 13-14.


Purchase this product now and earn 88 Points!

Note for Fresh Products
You are responsible for checking and confirming that you are satisfied that all details and aspects of your order are correct before you confirm receipt of the order. We do not accept complaints and take responsibility for orders once confirmed.

Due to seasonal nature of flowers and some items might not be in stock, in such case, hahahaflorist reserves the right to substitute any of the items based on availability and we ensure that the items replaced will be of equivalent value or feature similar style as your select product. Friendly reminder that we may go ahead with a substitution without notifying you in order to prevent any delays.

Note for Gifts & Lifestyle Products
Pictures and descriptions are shown on the website for your quick information. Please allow 1-2cm discrepancy due to manual measurement.

Note for Delivery Charge for Fresh Products
Delivery to HK Island: HK$110
Delivery to Kowloon: HK$160
Delivery to New Territories: HK$200
Lantau Island and Ma Wan: HK$480

Pick Up at Central Shop (Free Shipping)

Delivery Instruction